Tavi Coach Tests Positive. SW PHU cases Spike, News (Tavistock Minor Hockey)

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Mar 02, 2021 | Larry Kropf | 1590 views
Tavi Coach Tests Positive. SW PHU cases Spike
Not a very positive title!  Now for the rest of the story:

A coach in our system had a regularly scheduled work test come back positive.  He had no symptoms prior to the test, and still has none.  He and his family are in quarantine as directed by public health.  The Southwestern Public Health unit (SW PHU) is communicating directly with players and team staff that may have been exposed to the coach.

The active case count in the SW PHU climbed to 82 yesterday due to a significant outbreak of approximately 60 cases at the Aylmer Police College.

We appreciate the support of the SW PHU and will comply with all their recommendations to ensure our families and communities remain safe!

Please stay vigilant and follow all Covid protocols!
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