Mar 02, 2018 | Craig Marriott | 1048 views
Bantam LL clinch a spot in the playoff finals.
Tonight seen the Bantam LL team facing Woolwich 2. Both teams looking for a win to clinch a spot in the finals.
Woolwich came out hard in the first period, out playing the Titans and Titans seeing very little zone time. But the period ended with no scoring. After a talk at the bench the Titans were ready to show Woolwich they had to fight for the win. After some good zone time and strong forechecking it wasn't Tavistock putting anything on the score board. After two Woolwich was up 1-0. Titans continue the pressure into third period, as usual the Titans leave it to the end of the game to start scoring. Blake from Evan with 6:48 left. Then it was Kaleb from Lucas and Evan with 3:24 left. Keeton from Nick for a empty netter to put the game on ice. The last few games has seen the Titans come together as a team. Go Titans.