2023 Dedication Award, News, Second Shift, Second Shift, 2022-2023 (Tavistock Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2022-2023 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Organization | Apr 01, 2023 | Executive | 4119 views
2023 Dedication Award
 On Thursday night, we had a Coaches and Volunteer and Dinner Appreciation Night for our 100+ volunteers. We had a great turn out and we have an amazing group of Coaches, Managers, Trainers, On-ice volunteers, Executives and Minor Hockey Parents Fundraising Committee in our Organization.   

The 2023 Dedication Award was given to Larry Kropf, a Past President, Coach, and you've also seen him on the ice wearing black and white stripes. He was instrumental in getting Tavistock the First Shift Program eight years ago and was also the coach and organizer for Second Shift. Larry was our President through the uncertain time of Covid. It was a very challenging time and thanks to his leadership, Tavistock Minor Hockey came out of Covid stronger than ever.

He started the Titans Free Equipment Exchange program. He was always collecting and giving equipment to those who needed it and wanted hockey to be accessible to everyone in our community. This past August, he took all the equipment out of storage and brought it to the Tavistock Men’s Club so that we could hosted two free equipment swap nights. It was a big success and over 20 kids walked away outfitted helmet to skates with free equipment. 

He has been a huge asset to our Organization on and off the ice and we wanted to recognize his dedication to Tavistock Minor Hockey.  

Thank You Larry!  

If you would like to send Larry a Thank you for his contribution to Tavistock Minor Hockey, send him an email at  [email protected]

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