Oct 21, 2014 | choldsworth | 629 views
Bantam Rep Recap: Oct 4th - Oct 20th
The Dordan Mechanical Bantam Reps started their Southern Counties regular season with 2 wins and a loss. The season began with a 3-1 loss to Ingersoll as the Titans ran into a stingy defence and a hot goaltender; Mitch McKay tallied Tavistock's only goal. The Titans rallied next game with a convincing 6-1 win over Twin Centre, with Jack Holdsworth and McKay leading the way with 2 goals and 2 assists each. The Titans followed the win up with a 6-0 victory over Hagersville with Chayse Zehr collecting the shutout and Tye Boyd and Holdsworth collecting 4 points each.
Point producers: Jay Schurink 2(1), Connor McIntosh (3), Cal Munro 1, Tye Boyd 2(2), Ben Wiffen 1(1), Mitch McKay 3(2), Cody Wood 1(1), Jack Holdsworth 3(5), Simon Bender (1), Ben Smith (1), Spencer Roth (1).