Oct 12, 2015 | cblum | 1139 views
Player/Parent Meeting
Just want to let everyone know that the Coaches will be holding their Player & Parent meeting as one this year.
The meeting will be held in the Upper Hall of the Arena tomorrow Tuesday October 14th at 8:30pm.
We ask that there is at least 1 parent that attends with each player, both parents are welcome if they want to. We will go over as quickly as possible the items the Coaching staff is looking for as a team this year, Tournament Fee's, REP Fee's and so on. If there are any questions that you already have and want to send me an email with that question that I can answer during the meeting please feel free to contact me.
We have made the 8:30pm time so this will allow all the Players to be finished work and can attend.
Thanks and see you at the Rink!